Half way through 2023!

Before we all go on our summer holidays, we thought it would be nice to do a quick recap of all we’ve accomplished during the first half of 2023. Let’s dive into it!

Knock knock, who’s there?

We’ve been lucky to have people interested in joining the ambassador team since it was created in 2018, participating either by mail or on the Forum. This year we decided to implement an application form, so as to have a better overview of who’s an active member of the program and get to know you better! (If you haven’t yet filled it in, please do!)

Are you curious about where your fellow ambassadors come from? Check the following map:

We’re currently spread over 36 countries:

  • Argentina
  • Austria
  • Bangladesh
  • Belgium
  • Bosnia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Colombia
  • Cuba
  • Czechia
  • El Salvador
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • India
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Macedonia
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Peru
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Tanzania
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom
  • Ukraine
  • Uruguay
  • USA
  • Venezuela

Cool, right? If your country is missing from the list, it is because you haven’t filled in the application form so…you know what to do! ๐Ÿ˜„

What’s new with us?

What has the company behind your favourite browser been up to?

This year so far we’ve had three major releases:

  • Vivaldi 5.7 brought the ability to listen to background audio (even from YouTube) and disabled video auto-play on Android, and improved the Windows panel on desktop.
  • With Vivaldi 6.0 we fell in love with Workspaces: the tab bar would never look like a jungle again! Customizability has always been one of our focus, but Custom Icons took it to a whole new level. ๐ŸŽจ
  • For Vivaldi 6.1 we got creative and found a way to bypass the restriction to access Bing Chat on both platforms. On desktop, we also included a new function to copy all links from a Workspace, Tab Stack or selection of tabs from the context menu. Sharing has never been so easy!

Join us for a chat!

We love interacting with you, and that’s why we’re focusing on doing more live events!

In these five months we hosted a demo for you to be among the first to see the new features in Vivaldi 6.0 (who could live without workspaces now?), a Q&A session with devs and designers about Vivaldi iOS, and an online social meetup to get to know each other better. We’re currently planning another social gathering for mid July and hoping to see as many of you as possible!

We want to help you spread the word.

Making materials accessible to you is one of our priorities, so that you can better spread the word about Vivaldi! Apart from sharing images, videos and press coverage for every release, you now have access to a digital brand kit with logos, icons, browser screenshots and even a handout you can print out for events.

We’ve also created two Get Started videos, one for desktop and one for Android, so that you can introduce Vivaldi to your friends and show them the benefits of switching browsers.

Another easy way to get people to know us is to see our logo and name in unexpected places. Do you like something from our store? You now have a 15% permanent discount as ambassadors! (If you’ve forgotten the access password, you can check the pinned topic on our forum group or the email we sent out in April.)

Forum interactions

Ok, enough talk. Want to jump into action? Visit our Forum category and get inspired by other ambassadors! We now have pinned topics to keep discussions organized. ๐Ÿ’ก

You can create content and share it on social media, keep an eye and participate on online discussions recommending others to try Vivaldi, help us rate the browser on external review sites and even host events and browser demos, be that in person or online!

Get in touch with us if you need any kind of help planning for an event, we’re here for you.

Have any more ideas? We’re all ears! Send us a message to [email protected] or create a new topic on our forum to discuss it with the rest of the team!

2 replies on “Half way through 2023!”

  1. Dear Maria,
    I try to summarize:
    -) Best in Class Web Browser
    -) Awesome Community
    -) Lovable Team!

    Happy holidays to you and… all of us! ๐Ÿ˜€

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