Meet Takaaki Yoshikawa from Vivaldi

I come from Osaka, and I currently live in Oslo, Norway. I first lived in Oslo when I was 20-21 and fell in love with the great work-life balance in Norway. In 2017, I raised my hand when Vivaldi was looking for someone to be in charge of the Japan region. At that point, Vivaldi had been my browser of choice for two years, so I knew I wanted this job!

I have been a browser enthusiast since my school days. I just think that the browser is the most important application on our computers. Since joining Vivaldi, I’ve led projects for the 200,000 strong user community and have been in charge of testing the browser in Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

When I am not at work, I like to walk, read magazines, watch anime and movies. I am also a marathon runner (not the only one at Vivaldi, by the way). Next weekend I am running the Oslo Marathon. Wish me luck!

Speaking of Norway, I’ve seen some spectacular places here. Last year, I climbed to an iconic place above a fjord called Trolltunga. It was quite a hike but so worth it.

I like to travel around the world, try local cuisine and explore historic cities and museums. I’ve been to about 30 countries, and last year I went to places like Spain and Cyprus. I love Cyprus for its cozy towns, beautiful landscapes, and delicious Greek and Turkish cuisine! I also love Barcelona for sightseeing and swimming in my favorite Mediterranean sea. Honestly, the rice in Spain is delicious (coming from a Japanese, that has got to mean a lot). The taste of paella is hard to forget.

But this week my thoughts are with my family and everyone in Japan! Stay strong!